Nikolaj Skyum Bendix Larsen & Federica Mazzara in Conversation with Vicki Squire


Thursday, 13th June 2019 | 18:00 - 21:00


FEDERICA MAZZARA and NIKOLAJ BENDIX SKYUM LARSEN in conversation with VICKI SQUIRE about their recently published books:

Federica Mazzara, Reframing Migration: Lampedusa, Border Spectacle and Aesthetics of Subversion (2019)

Nikolaj Skyum Bendix Larsen, End of Dreams (2019)


Federica Mazzara, Senior Lecturer in Intercultural Communication, Westminster University

Nikolaj Skyum Bendix LarsenArtist

Vicki Squire, Professor of International Politics, Warwick University




The event is supported by the Art Council England, University of Westminister and Refugee Week.