East/West Encounters in Early Literature


Friday, 27th May 2022  |  18:30 -20:00




Join researchers Dr Shazia Jagot and Dr David Torollo for an exploration of cross-cultural encounters in the medieval world, chaired by Dr Rachel Scott.


Addressing key themes of the exhibition, Shazia, David, and Rachel bring their expertise in global medieval cultures to this discussion of early literatures, objects, and ideas that traveled between East and West. Focusing on three ‘objects’, the discussion explores the interconnectedness of societies across time and space and also considers the relevance of early literatures and cultures in today’s multicultural world.



Speaker and Chair Biographies


Rachel Scott is Lecturer in World and Hispanic Literatures at Royal Holloway, University of London and a researcher on Language Acts and Worldmaking, a flagship project funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)’s Open World Research Initiative. She publishes on medieval and early modern Iberian literatures in their transnational and global contexts and is the co-editor of Al-Andalus in Motion: Travelling Concepts and Cross-Cultural Contexts (Boydell & Brewer, 2021) and author of Celestina and the Human Condition in Early Modern Spain and Italy (Tamesis, 2017), as well as book chapters and articles.


David Torollo is Lecturer in Jewish Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and a member of the research strand Travelling Concepts of the Language Acts and Worldmaking Project. His current research focuses on the circulation of wisdom literary texts in Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish and Judeo-Arabic among Jews, Muslims and Christians in medieval Iberia and its Mediterranean border zones.


Dr Shazia Jagot is Lecturer in Medieval and Global Literature at the University of York. Her research combines her interest in both English and Arabic literature of the premodern world. She is currently writing her first book Distilling Chaucer: Arabic Learning and the Islamic World in Fourteenth-Century England, which will set out Chaucer's 'Arabic' sources. Shazia also sits on the Managing Committee for the EU Cost Action Network, Islamic Legacies in Europe, and she is a co-editor of the journal postmedieval.